Sunday, March 4, 2018

3 Ways Query Stream Ontologies Change Search

What are query stream ontologies, and how might they change search? Search engines trained us to use keywords when we searched – to try to guess what words or phrases might be the best ones to use to try to find something we are interested in. That we might have a situational or informational need […]

from Grapevine SEO Geek

Google’s Second Most Important Algorithm? Before Google’s Panda, there was Phil

They named the project Phil, because it sounded friendly. (For those who required an acronym, they had one handy: Probabilistic Hierarchical Inferential Learner.) That was bad news for a Google Engineer named Phil who kept getting emails about the system. He begged Harik to change the name, but Phil it was. – Steven Levy, In […]

from Grapevine SEO Geek